EGG is Resource-full! Audrey and David Share Some Helpful Resources From Our Website (Ep 61)

We always say, "Do your research!" In this show, David and Audrey share some fabulous resources from our Library, adding their own insights. Here are links to the resources: International School Community Blog - New Teacher Orientation Is Now Underway: 14 Must Haves

AIELOC Resource page Wall Street Journal - Teachers Are Burning Out on the Job: Student Behavior and Mediocre Pay Are Taking Their Toll GOA summer playlist 2024 and insights blog The Economist - The Rich World’s Teachers Are Increasingly Morose (Pay Walled)

Safe Passages - Doug Ota’s work (counseling and consulting) and book

We would love to hear from you about an interesting blog post, article, podcast episode, or other resource that expanded your thinking about international education. Please email us at with your suggested resource or if you are a member of our Facebook group, please add your resource there.

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Foundational Series, Part 1 - The Nature of the Beast: What are International Schools? (Ep #1)

by David Carpenter and Audrey Forgeron - 11/17/2022

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