online school
Global Online Academy is a nonprofit organization that reimagines learning in order to empower students and educators to thrive in a globally networked society. Take a look at their online teaching service for possible openings to teach internationally online.
Millionaire Teacher shows you how to achieve financial independence through smart investing ― without being a financial wizard. Retired international educator and finance author Andrew Hallam (also a guest on Episode 2 of the Educators Going Global podcast) shows how he became a debt-free millionaire by following a few simple rules.
This article, posted on the International School Community website, covers how to work with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and the Foreign Tax Credit to avoid double taxation. This might sound complex, but it is worth knowing about as you work with your accountant...
facebook group
This is a professional fun group of over 50 years young international teachers here to support each other in staying in the game of international teaching and developing as a C.O.P. (community of practice). Image = Over50sIntlTeacherFBGroup
The resources on this website support educators at the elementary school level as they learn, live and teach the principles of Positive Psychology. The ultimate goal is to embed¹ the principles into the culture of one’s school and the greater community through an integrative approach.
John and Bev travel the world, assisting other retired travelers in maximizing their global adventures. They document their journeys not only on their website but also through their YouTube channel and by fostering a community on Facebook. Retired international educators can also benefit from their research and experiences on topics such as finances, downsizing, and more.
This podcast aims to provide insights into the lives of teachers and school leaders worldwide. Guests share their wisdom, experiences, passions, and challenges. The podcast features interviews with both international and local educators.
The publisher hopes that by listening to these stories, you will gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the power educators possess to make this complex and amazing world a better place...
There are plenty of bloggers who can help you plan your travels. We like the Ytravel Blog because it connects to internationalism and family. The authors and their children have lived in five different countries, homeschooling while experiencing life similarly to the ways international educators do. They also travel a lot internationally -- just like global educators. Check out their destinations and, if you have children, spend time in the Family Travel section. Additionally, have a look at their YouTube channel (!
In this blog, Dr. Ian Gross addresses many topics of interest to help readers better understand the nature of international education. Topics range from affluent neglect to alternative curricula, connecting to locals, and taking your pet overseas.
Website and podcast
This website provides resources to support ADs and ACs in their roles in leading co-curricular programs in international schools. The podcast provides interviews discussing topics and trends related to athletic and activity coordination.
International schools' athletics programs aim to prepare their students for the next level of life. This global playbook focuses on six key elements that all schools need to excel in to raise the game of their entire school: Core, Commitment, Care, Culture, Competition, and Communication.
This book provides strategies for athletic directors and other school leaders to build programs with student enrichment and personal growth as a primary driver.
The Diversity Collaborative (DC) is a global community group developed by International Schools Services (ISS). It is committed to creating and sustaining a more diverse, inclusive, equitable, and just international school community through a focus on leadership. Look to join!
Their mission is in response to the growing need for teachers worldwide. They work to build a critical mass of highly trained and enterprising education changemakers who will lead grassroots improvement within their communities. They combine 1-on-1 support with scalable forms of elearning technology to create a holistic yet scalable impact. It’s a modern solution to long-standing problems, one recognized by the likes of UNICEF and Global Citizen.
ODIS aims to create a movement within all international schools (not just IB) and the expat community at large to expand the scope of international education beyond current Western values to be intersectional and inclusive of all marginalized groups.
Moving to a new school, city and country often involves a bit of a leap of faith. Nonetheless, it's possible to minimize some of the anxiety and eliminate some of the "fingers crossed" feelings by methodically profiling the various locations you may be considering. We consistently advocate for doing research when recruiting to learn about schools, host cities, and countries.
Offers a wide range of services to teachers looking to save time and take their next step in international schools: whether that's a first move overseas, a move up to a top school, a transition into school leadership, and/or an expert set of eyes on your candidacy profile.
International educator, podcaster and guest on Episode 10 of the Educators Going Global podcast, Greg Lemoine offers this ultimate step-by-step guide to succeeding at an international educator's job fair. You will find tips to successfully prepare for interviews, how to present your most qualified self, and you will be engrossed with the narratives of many passionate educators who enjoy their work overseas.
A fun, engaging and highly practical read. Filled with tips and advice for teaching abroad. Based on insights and stories from teachers already enjoying the international adventure - their advice, the highlights they've enjoyed, and the mistakes they've made - the book is enchantingly personal. David is a huge supporter of this book!
This book is an excellent companion for prospective international educators seeking up-to-date information on what to expect from working in international schools. It provides step-by-step advice, taking readers all the way from where to look for an international teaching position to thriving in an international teaching environment, and will help anyone thinking of a career abroad working in international schools to prepare for an exciting and life-changing experience.
Full of experience-based tips, insights, and stories from principals, curriculum coordinators, directors, school counselors, department heads, support specialists, advisors, and classroom teachers, this book explores the topics of wanderlust, English language teaching, identity and belonging, curricular standards, inclusion, diversity, and equity.
Fellow podcaster and friend Greg Lemoine wrote his second book on international teaching for pre-service teachers, current educators, and anyone interested in the dynamic field of international education. This comprehensive guide highlights the benefits of becoming an international teacher in an accredited international school overseas. It highlights cultural immersion, accelerated career advancement, and an optimal work-life balance. Bravo Greg!
Imagine if we could tap into the collective creativity of a large group of school leaders to focus on designing the future of education! The New School Project has done exactly that for us. Led by the AAIE, this group worked for 18 months to craft the seven New School Principles: Adaptive Change, Capacity, Community, Equity, Evidence, Learning and Wellbeing. Their book is now available online at no cost. The ideas within offer an unprecedented opportunity to rethink schools!
Lloyd Ffrench, a guest on our podcast, shares data and trends about international school recruiting. Lloyd highlights the decrease in new teachers and the growth in the number of international schools. He provides strategies for how schools can better compete when recruiting in this “teacher’s market”.
This is Teachaway’s sixth annual International Education Report on what’s needed to recruit and retain educators internationally. They use data from thousands of educators to provide insights and trends especially regarding staff shortages.
The purpose of this study was to determine school administrator and teacher views on factors influencing the quality of international high schools in the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) region.
recruiting agency
Organization featuring four program areas: Thousands of international teaching jobs at K-12 schools and ESL/EAL learning centers in over 50 countries worldwide, online teaching jobs, online teacher certification and TEFL certification among other PD opportunities. New and experienced teachers served.
recruiting agency
Are you a non-US teacher who is interested in teaching in the United States? EPI provides recruitment services to bring international educators into job placements in the US. Note: This service is not for American teachers returning to the US from teaching abroad – Carney Sandoe would be one of your options for independent school placement as a returning American teacher.
This dissertation explores the experiences of Black women superintendents and heads of school in international schools.
With the aim of helping expat parents locate top quality international schools for their children in their new homes, the International School Database is a one-stop shop for finding, researching and comparing schools in cities across the world. This well-designed and informative site can also be helpful to international educators looking for schools to apply to.
This podcast is by heads of school Richard Henry, James Dalziel and James MacDonald who explore a variety of issues in education around the world. They interview educational experts and trailblazers…people with broad roles and experiences who have looked across the international education landscape and are creating new horizons.
Established in 1973, COST is a collaboration of 16 colleges and universities in the United States that provides opportunities for its students to have quality student teaching experiences in overseas settings. Grand Valley State University currently serves as headquarters and coordinates international placements.
YouTube Channel
The SchoolRubric YouTube channel informs stakeholders about schools, educational trends, and market analysis. International education is one of the themes running through their offerings. They provide an entire video explaining “why every educator needs to go international.”
Third Cultured (3Cultured) was founded to grow the borderless community of global citizens. For them to connect, share lessons, and opportunities. Part of their mission is to give displaced citizens a concept to identify and unify themselves by: being a Third Culture Kid.
recruiting agency
An international substitute teaching service that provides lower- to mid-tier schools with trusted, experienced and highly competent educators in the event of an emergency or for anticipated absences for periods of one month to one year.
There is one specific group of TCKs who have, until now, been largely ignored - EdKids, the children of international school educators. In this work, Dr Ettie Zilber brings together all the material she has collected over many years of research on this unique group and allows them to voice their own opinions, feelings and stories for the first time.
In the spirit of author bell hooks (Gloria Jean Watkins), (A)Broad in Education is a podcast on a mission to decolonize imaginations through diverse migration stories and to provide conscious conversations about “edpats”. (Note: This podcast has not had any new episodes in awhile, but the existing episodes are very worthwhile!)
Andrew Hallam provides a comparison for international educators -- between investing in a school-provided Roth 401(k) versus investing on your own via an American brokerage firm’s taxable ETF -- to show which pathway comes out ahead upon retirement.
Parenting is tough enough in your own backyard, so when an opportunity leads you and your family abroad, it seems like parenting takes on a whole new dimension. International educator and guest on the Educators Going Global podcast, Dr. Jeff Devens addresses many of the issues parents face today in the context of living in an international setting and raising “third-culture kids.”
Author Dr. Kent Blakeney takes you through everything you need to know to get a job at international schools around the world. In Part One you will learn about international schools and living overseas. Part Two takes you through the process of getting a job from what you should do right now to what to do between getting a job and leaving your home country. Part Three guides you through your first years at an international school and moving on to the next school or back home.
This book provides a lot of valuable information and sound advice to not only prepare the whole family for expat life but mainly tips on how to maintain an undeniably productive life for your family. It is an invaluable reference tool for both new and long-term expats alike to keep abreast of information on how to successfully raise your expat children.
In this illuminating guide to living a financially healthier, and happier, life, bestselling author and financial journalist Andrew Hallam (guest on Episode 2 of the Educators Going Global podcast) demonstrates how you can optimize your income for maximum happiness by investing responsibly and living according to your values. You’ll find tips for using robo investors, insights for investing in socially responsible funds, and how to craft a personal budget that aligns your spending with what you hold most dear.
Now in its third edition, Millionaire Expat is one of the world’s most trusted, best selling guides for expatriate investors. Author Andrew Hallam (also a guest on Episode 2 of the Educators Going Global podcast) shows readers how to protect themselves from financial sharks and build effective portfolios that maximize profits and tax efficiency. This updated guide includes model portfolios of ETFs or index funds.
Educators Without Borders (EWB) from School Rubric is a panel webcast featuring educational experts, leaders, and thought provokers who come together to discuss topics that matter. They also do a newsletter on international topics..
Across Oceans is a podcast where we discuss all things related to Third Culture Kids (TCKs), growing up overseas, returning to passport countries, unique travel stories and more.
(See also: Our podcast episode with Julia, the host of Across Oceans!
Author Doug Ota is a frequent speaker to international school audiences helping them better understand the effects of their transitions. He maps the challenges and charts a course for individuals, schools, and accrediting bodies to better navigate their moves between schools and countries.
International educator and guest on the Educators Going Global podcast, Greg Lemoine and his podcasting partners Kent Arimura and Matt Judd provide first-hand experiences from across the globe about international schools, recruiting to teach overseas, and living in other countries as American expatriates...
Jackie Scully, an experienced American educator, is flipping the script when it comes to education and focusing on the teacher's voice. These voices are often overlooked in society, and many decisions are made without teacher input.
On Jackie's website you will learn more about her podcast, The Teacher Story, and about her book, The Guided Teacher.
recruiting agency
A collaborative, simple, and free platform for international schools to connect to recruit including fairs. | Also on offer: GRC Recruiting Tips Webinars
school association
A non-profit organization composed of private, accredited, independent schools offering an American-style education and residing in three geographic regions (Central America, Mexico, Colombia, Caribbean).
school association
Provides members with access to world-leading experts, advisors, and facilitators specializing in school governance and leadership, professional learning, blended learning, child protection and wellbeing, inclusive education, innovation and technology, and more...
A very helpful site that houses a community of international educators who craft articles on a variety of topics that are of interest to new and veteran international teachers. Learn about life at specific schools and read about international education in general. Their school database resource also has some job listings.
A U.S.-based financial services company for international educators. Dr. Stephen Boush was a guest on the podcast, Episode 5.
The objective of this group is to contribute to educator development through collaborative learning shared in best practices, pedagogy, shared resources, strategies, experiences and perspectives through a safe environment that builds understanding.
International School Services provides this online magazine. It is published digitally in October/November, January, and April, bringing the educational community together through articles, images, and more from international schools and educators. They also have a blog.
networking tool
A networking tool for business and educator professionals. Find jobs, make connections and discover more about schools you are interested in. Try searching under international schools to start with!
A professional organization that strives to improve the quality of education in its member schools. It promotes the professional development of Faculty, Administrators, and Board Members, promoting communication and interchange and creating international understanding.
Dr. Jeff Devens offers simplified personal finance lessons in his international school community. This is the slideshow he uses. It can be used as a companion guide during our three-part podcast series of interviews with Dr. Devens, Episode 16B, Part 1 - Tax Buckets & Credits, Part 2 - Advantaging Brokerage Accounts, and Part 3 - Qualifying for Social Security & Medicare.